
Yes I've been following the UMC split and posting about it quite a bit. My long ago former Methodist church split, now Global Methodists.

They'd been leaning conservative for years (not when I joined) due to older monied members. Money worked, my Oviedo United Methodist caved and voted towards bigotry.

I happily pointed that out on Facebook page while praising another church who remained, and became what UMC now calls Lighthouse churches (a place for people who need a new Methodist home after theirs split).

The reasoning for homophobia and transphobia in conservatives is embarrassingly ignorant group think and God fear. Zero critical thinking nor compassionate common sense.

I recently had a "debate" with a Godly gaslighter on my FB page . Pleasant lady, no name calling.....("God loves the LGTBTQ community, He hates them being bullied! But to align with Christ they must not have homosexual sex and they can convert to straight or go celibate as one in my church did!"

Hard to grasp such blind ignorance.....



Human Nature - Laura G Owens - Writer
Human Nature - Laura G Owens - Writer

Written by Human Nature - Laura G Owens - Writer

Obsessed with human behavior. Social commentary & essays with raw honesty. Sarcasm is my super power. 15 years writing about mind & body natural health.

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