We Can Never Talk Opposing Politics, Again.
Originally posted
Underneath our seeping political wounds over the past 5 years sits an unsettled feeling no one on either side of Trump knows how to resolve.
Because we can’t. Ever.
Listen I’m an optimist and even with my multitudes of wishful thinking I’m 100% sure we can’t move past this.
Don’t get me wrong, we’ll get back to decency and normal partisan political scuffling now that Trump is (almost) off the world stage. But the Trump Factor, aka those who love him, and the rest of us, can never again discuss that man again if we want to heal.
This may not be the feel-good answer, but it’s true.
Because here’s the thing, if we stop talking about Trump with his supporters we no longer have to feel like we’re trying to convince people that the blue sky they insist is yellow, is in fact, blue. It’s crazy-making to see something others don’t or won’t see.
One of the greatest tragedies of Trumplandia is that there’s no going back.
We now know exactly who supported him, which includes some of our favorite people in the world. Family, friends, our dry cleaner, our pharmacist, our sweet neighbor (still sweet, btw).
For a faction of Trump supporters, it was rabid zealot love from the get-go. For others it was an insidious growing tolerance for his string of horrors, a numbing effect if you will, combined with full rejection of the Democrats. Either way, sad. Read full post