My Lifelong Republican Is Finally Leaving the Party

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My lifelong moderate Republican husband is officially defecting (he’s not the guy mentioned in the picture above).

He’s going Blue.

My husband has always been socially liberal and fiscally moderate. He voted for Clinton. And he hated Trump from almost day one. Okay, like many Republican voters he thought, hmm, seems like a reality TV joke, Trump as president, but maybe a businessman has something valuable to say.

For me, my loathing of Trump started from day one. He spoke. I cringed. Not because of his party, because of him.

From the moment he mocked a disabled journalist.

If I have to justify why that’s “all it took” for me to hate him, well then, I can’t. You either understand decency — or you don’t.

I never had an (unsurmountable) issue with Republicans.

As a loyal Democrat, briefly an Independent after Bill Clinton lied and said “I did not have sex with that young woman.” (By today’s metric for decency that makes Bill a Boy Scout), of course I didn’t always agree with the GOP platform.

Opposing parties by default, engage in embattled across-the-aisle nasty take downs. It’s built into the DNA of politics to beat the other candidate into a pulp. To vilify, lie and deny at all…



Human Nature - Laura G Owens - Writer

Obsessed with human behavior. Social commentary & essays of stark honesty. Sarcasm is my super power. 15 years writing about mind & body natural health.