Hi Jodie,

I plan on checking out your channel Archangels. I love the premise, I appreciate your open and loving views, notably that what resonates personally, is the right path for someone. I've always been sort of intrigued by angels, but never followed through on my interest...

I denounce all religion that insists on damning a person to hell for being LGTBQ+ or not following their proscribed Christian beliefs. That's not Godly, or divine. It's hurtful and why many youth et al now run from organized religion.

There are however, many inclusive branches of several denominations, so I won't denounce Christianity etc, but I vehemently denounce wrathful, punitive bigoted God.

May I share your comment on my church's Facbook page and on mine? I'll leave your name out if you prefer.



Human Nature - Laura G Owens - Writer
Human Nature - Laura G Owens - Writer

Written by Human Nature - Laura G Owens - Writer

Obsessed with human behavior. Social commentary & essays with raw honesty. Sarcasm is my super power. 15 years writing about mind & body natural health.

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