4 Supplements I Take to Prevent Colds and Flu, and Now COVID-19.
I take COVID-19 very seriously. I also leave the house a lot.
I know this sounds flip and contradictory.
Believe me I’m not arrogant enough to think I’m superwoman. I know I can get sick. I’ve had enough colds, flu and health issues in my life to know I’m anything but invincible. Growing up I got strep pretty regularly.
And since COVID-19 I’ve felt something coming on at least three or four times. I didn’t have a cough or fever but I was run down with a slight scratchy throat and stuffy nose. Just on the cusp of something maybe turning ugly. I slammed down my supplements for a few days and it went away, 100%.
Of course I follow all the CDC precautions when I leave the house but I’ve been out countless times (after lockdown ended in Florida May 1st). I’m not high risk. I’m 54 and in good health as are my husband and daughter.
But as you know with COVID-19 that’s no guarantee.
Still, in the last five months I’ve been to restaurants, hotels, the gym, bike trails, my hairdresser, nail salons, my eye doctor and primary care physician, numerous stores, malls, several small gatherings with friends, and more recently, a virtually empty movie theater for a much appreciated big screen and popcorn experience with my daughter.
I’ve been tested twice for COVID-19 before I visited my stepmom and had one antibody test. All negative.
So, I have to think either my test results were wrong (certainly possible), I’ve been incredibly lucky or my immune-strengthening supplements have something to do with why I haven’t gotten sick.
I have no way of proving my theory except to say that since I started taking a specialized silver called Argentyn 23 I don’t get sick (or seriously sick).
Read full post: https://laura-owens.com/4-supplements-i-take-to-prevent-colds-flu-and-now-covid-19/